Don’t be ridiculous—the polio vaccine actually works. Polio is extinct in the United States, and almost the entire world. COVID can never be extinct as it has animal host reservoirs like influenza. The COVID vaccines are proven failures—people left and right are getting COVID less than a month after their booster.
Most states also allow kids to be exempted. OSHA tells you to take a hike. Good luck working anywhere is what Biden says. If you want your kid exempted in school, it’s pretty simple. And they don’t need to be tested weekly for polio. It’s just one time paperwork.
Finally, I have a problem with the logical fallacy so many fall into. I believe in vaccination. The problem is, that doesn’t mean every vaccine works. Clearly, polio, tetanus, rabies, smallpox, all worked as vaccines. What don’t work? Flu and COVID jabs. They just don’t. At least with flu shots, people used to believe you needed a new formulation each season for the predicted strain. Using a flu shot from 2 years ago was completely absurd. I’m sure you’d agree, right? Yet here you are, and many others, who will get boosted repeatedly for the COVID jab, which was formulated for variants no longer relevant. These COVID jabs were developed several variants ago. You continue to use them. Do you continue to stick with the flu shot from 2017? Does that make any sense to anyone?
So no, it’s a complete fallacy to say vaccinations work, therefore all vaccines work. Coronavirus vaccines have never worked. And the nature of the virus, it’s unlikely we ever can get them to. Because they have non-human host reservoirs and are highly evolutionary.
But hey, take a look at the evidence for yourself. CDC: 79% of all Omicron infections are in fully vaccinated people. Denmark: 83.9% infections in fully vaccinated.
When you see a measles outbreak, it’s something like 100 people get it, and 98-99 are unvaccinated. With COVID, we have 50-70% vaccination rates, yet 80% of the cases are vaccinated. That’s because the MMR vaccine works and COVID clearly doesn’t. Oh wait, “it was never promised to stop infection or transmissibility.”
LOL, yes, it did. They said when these vaccines were released they were 95% efficacious against infection, and almost 100% against hospitalization or death. When mask mandates were eased, it was often, “vaccinated no longer need to wear masks, but unvaccinated do.” By definition, the vaccine was understood to stop the spread.
It reminds me of Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back: “I’m altering the deal, pray I do not alter it any further.” The goalposts have moved, and for whatever reason people willingly parrot the new talking points, completely forgetting what was said not even a year ago. Thankfully, I keep a journal and refer back to the timeline of events. It’s rather hilarious to hear people today say things completely counter to what they said months ago, when I’ve been consistent the whole time. The vaccines will never work, and now we see 99% of Cornell’s student body fully vaccinated have 1,300+ cases in a week. Guess it doesn’t work?
Feel free to show me where we have measles outbreaks or polio outbreaks where anything more than 1-5% of the infected are vaccinated. It doesn’t happen because, surprise, those vaccines actually work. Don’t blindly just embrace any vaccine that walks in front of you. Clearly, logic matters.