Oh yeah, let’s blend forcing people to get vaccinated if they want to earn an income to live with speed limits. Typical liberal logic—they can’t differentiate between quarantine camps in Australia where you are indefinitely detained and vaccine mandates that toss people out of work with not having people drive 100 mph through a residential neighborhood.
What we do know is the mandates have created a slippery slope. In New York and elsewhere, the unvaccinated cannot go to restaurants or many private indoor facilities. Meanwhile, everyone must carry and scan to get into buildings to prove their medical history. Gee, that’s exactly the same as driving 100 mph in a 35, right?
I’ve also read Leftists arguing the unvaccinated should be denied medical care. That’s hilarious—12 years ago the term “death panel” was coined in opposition to socialist medical care with the push by Democrats and Obama. It was met with eye rolls and mockery by the Left. Now we literally have the Left advocating for death panels. Not only that, but the hallmark of Obamacare by the Left was the removal of denying people medical insurance based on pre-existing conditions…yet here we are with the Left wanting to deny people medical CARE (not insurance, which is less important) based on, wait for it, pre-existing conditions. Hypocrites.
Oh yeah, the vaccines “work,” which is why we have 20,000 deaths reported from vaccine complications, by far more than any other previous vaccine by miles. Then we have blood clots, myocarditis risks that are higher than complications of COVID for young males, hospitalizations for cardiac problems, and of course, I haven’t gotten to the fact that hospitalizations and death from COVID infections among the fully vaccinated isn’t nearly 0% as promised earlier this year, but much higher.
I live in a county with over 300,000 people. The number of COVID deaths from vaccinated and unvaccinated are equivalent over the past 10 weeks from our hospitals. That doesn’t make any sense if the vaccines are effective. Also, yes, infections do matter. With the MMR vaccine, if there’s an outbreak of measles of 50 people, only 1 or 2 will be vaccinated, and 48-49 unvaccinated. That’s what you expect with a vaccine that works. With COVID, we are finding if 100 people get infected, 80% of them are vaccinated, despite the US vaccination rate being 61%. If these vaccines were effective, you’d see 39% unvaccinated being responsible for 90-95% of the infections. Instead, they’re responsible for 20%. LOL!