The vaccine mandates will absolutely be struck down. The sheer opposition to them is overwhelming—27 states with some of the largest industry groups core to the economy, along with Democrats finally breaking ranks in the Senate (just two, but it’s a start) with Manchin and Tester. From a practicality standpoint, the Supreme Court puts their finger in the air and says, “No way.”
Second, the OSHA mandate is severely flawed. Not only is it troubling that the term “fully vaccinated” appears 91 times, but that definition is set by the CDC. Already the vaccines have failed and require boosters every 6 months. The vaccine authorities just approved boosters and we have breakthrough infections less than a month after boosting. It’s a complete joke at this point. So the fear is the federal government can issue monthly booster mandates if it comes to it? That’s completely insane.
The OSHA mandate also includes testing yet argues being unvaccinated is a grave danger to justify the ETS. That’s hilarious—so I can remain unvaccinated but test weekly? How much sense does that make if COVID is a grave danger? Look, if you’re going to forcefully inject me in order for me to work anywhere, at least have a coherent argument. The testing exception exemplifies what a complete joke this mandate is as it makes a mockery of the concept of a grave danger.
COVID is also not unique to the workplace. People have hundreds or thousands of interactions daily. To argue OSHA has authority over this is ridiculous.
I’m confident this tyranny will be struck down. Otherwise, you’re looking at an economic depression for everyone. Maybe that’ll humble those who support vaccine mandates as they apparently lack any form of conscientiousness. They’ll only care when truckers stop making deliveries to cities and they realize food doesn’t come from the grocery store, but it’s grown in rural America.
Finally, the vaccines are for variants now extinct. I thought we followed science around here. It used to be people understood flu shots were reformulated every season for different variants. Now those same people have a memory wipe and think it makes complete sense to use vaccines for variants no longer relevant. If I asked you 2 years ago when people actually were somewhat coherent if you would take the flu shot from 2017, I’ll bet you’d scoff and be like, “Why? That’s pointless. It’s 2019.” Yet here we are with millions of people not questioning why they are getting boosters using vaccines developed for different variants.
We’re turning the corner on 20 months of hysteria where the medical “experts” got it completely wrong. The vaccines don’t stop the spread, they aren’t 95% efficacious, they weren’t near 100% effective against hospitalization or death, it’s a shame so many people have memory wipes from what was argued not even a year ago. They just keep racing to the new goalposts.
Sorry, I live in America, not some credentialist medical apartheid state. I thought tyranny would come from the medical apparatus for many years, only I thought they’d use mental health to seize rights. Instead, it’s a pandemic. Thank God there are freedom-loving people who speak up to this tyranny, because it seems too many of my fellow peers are willing to give up everything, and they get nothing in exchange.
2021 with the vaccine was worse than 2020 without it. That’s an accomplishment for even the most incompetent medical “experts”