Yeah, vaccine mandates are incredibly scary given the records of governments. Essentially, if the government can forcefully inject you with something against your will, the concept they have any limitations is rather laughable. But government is always the biggest hypocritical human construct. What is otherwise illegal for an individual to do becomes magically legal if enough individuals decide to do it, and use a vehicle like the government to make it so.
Also, there remains no *available* vaccine that’s even FDA Approved. I’m confident most Americans have no idea there are four COVID vaccines in the US—not three. JNJ, Moderna are both obviously EUAs. Then there are two Pfizer vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech (EUA) and Comrinaty (FDA Approved). The problem is the latter vaccine doesn’t exist. In the FDA’s Approval letter from August, it noted both vaccines are interchangeable, but “legally distinct.” That’s troubling. The FDA did a bait and switch. They said Pfizer’s vaccine is FDA Approved, but only one available is the one still under an EUA.
Your analysis on the vaccines’ efficacies is woefully outdated. I understand when they were originally pitched in early 2021 it was suggested Pfizer was 95% effective against infection; near-100% against severe illness and death. That’s completely been disproven. You must also count the deaths and injuries from the vaccines, which have been the highest by far of any vaccine ever released to the public.
Breakthroughs aren’t rare or uncommon. In fact, we are seeing the vaccinated test positive proportionally more often than unvaccinated. For instance, the US is 61% fully vaccinated, yet 79% of the Omicron cases are in that group. Likewise, Denmark has a 77.3% fully vaccinated population, and 83.9% of cases are in that group.
Real vaccines that work such as MMR are complete opposite. If you get a measles outbreak of 50 people, 48 or 49 are going to be unvaccinated. Because the MMR vaccine is actually efficacious. We just had Cornell with a 99% student body fully vaccination rate have over 1,300 cases in a week!
Finally, the FDA lost its top two career bureaucrats in the vaccine department several months ago. Minimal media coverage, zero interviews on 60 minutes, no questions by anyone like yourself. If that were Trump, you’d be up in arms. Politicization of the FDA!!! And of course we know they stepped down due to political pressures on boosters from the Biden White House.
Now, what’s scary is your nonchalant attitude towards the politicization of our regulatory bureaucracies that clearly is hastily pushing vaccines along in all the wrong ways. And even as we know this is happening, you would support a federal vaccine mandate if passed by Congress. That’s horrifying just thinking of what we already know of how the Biden Administration pushed for booster authorization against the medicinal regulatory processes of the FDA and researchers.
So yeah, let’s have Pelosi or McConnell tell us we need a 42nd booster, right? That makes sense.